
Lunes 27/01/2019 -TERRIBLE TWOS-

Lunes 27/01/2019 -TERRIBLE TWOS-

Warmup: 400m, then 3 x... - 15 A/Squats - 10 Dislocates - 5 InchWorm Strength: E3mom for 12´ - Front Squats 1/4 FRONT SQUATS + 1 1/4 BACK SQUATS *Rack bar after FS, take 5-10 secs then re-rack for BS *Start @ approx. 50-55% of 1RM front squat and build as needed *Sets...

Viernes 24/01/2020 -EVA-

Viernes 24/01/2020 -EVA-

Warmup: - Foam Roller Strenght: Build to heavy one - Strict Press On the 0 @ 80% On the 1 @ 85% On the 2 @ 90% On the 3 @ 85% On the 4 @ 90% On the 5 @ 95% On the 6 @ 90% On the 7 @ 95% On the 8 @ +95% * in 3´min add. Build to a Heavy Single for the Day WOD: [GIRL]...

Jueves 23/01/2020 -GRACE-

Jueves 23/01/2020 -GRACE-

Warmup: - 5´DU Strength: 6 Sets for heavy 1 - Bench Press: *Use Rep Sequence: 5-4-3-2-1-1... Strength: 6 Sets for heavy 1 - Back squats 5-4-3-2-1-1... WOD: [GIRL] Grace. For time: - 30x Clean and Jerk with 60.00kg / 42.50kg

Miércoles 22/01/2020 -NICOLE-

Miércoles 22/01/2020 -NICOLE-

Warmup: 400m, then 3 x... - 15 Scap Pushups - 10 Burpees - 5 Inchworm Strength: 12´EMOM alt - 3x Strict Press + 3 Push Press @65% - 10x Ring Rows Elevated feet Strength: 10´EMOM - 8x Bent Row AHAP WOD: [GIRL] Nicole. AMRAP 20 min.: - 400m Run - Max...

Martes 21/01/2020 -KAREN-

Martes 21/01/2020 -KAREN-

Warmup: - Snatch Prep Weightlifting: E2mom for 12´ - 2x Snatch Balance + 1 Pausing OHS *60% and building Weightlifting: 10 Rounds - 1x Snatches for heavy single WOD: [GIRL] Karen. For time: - 150x Wall Balls with 9.00kg / 6.00kg

Lunes 20/01/2020 -FRAN-

Lunes 20/01/2020 -FRAN-

Warmup: 3 x... - 200m - 15 Jumping Jacks - 10 Superman - 5 Burpees Strength: 10´Emom - 2x Sumo Deadlifts AHAP Strength: 4 Rounds - 10x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @30% of Emom above WOD: [GIRL] Fran. 21-15-9 reps of... - Thrusters with 42.50kg / 30.00kg -...